
Other Pathways to Slovak Citizenship

Through Ethnicity, Naturalization or Grant

Did you know that if you have Slovak ancestry, you might be eligible for Slovak citizenship and an EU passport? This means you can live, work and study in any of the 27 EU member countries with no restrictions.

You can apply for a Slovak Living Abroad certificate if your direct ancestors were of Slovak ethnicity and retained Slovak culture, tradition and language through generations. To be successful, you need to provide evidence of direct line of descent between you and your Slovak ancestors and be a member of a Slovak diaspora organisation. There is no language test or generational limits so you can go back as far as great-great-grandparents but you do need to move to Slovakia to activate your Slovak Living Abroad certificate and apply for Slovak citizenship which can be granted shortly thereafter.

You may be granted Slovak citizenship if you’ve permanently resided in Slovakia continuously for at least eight years prior to your application, do not have a criminal record and can demonstrate knowledge of the Slovak language and a general knowledge of the Slovak history, culture and traditions.

Grants of citizenship are available to persons who are married to Slovak citizens and have lived in Slovakia with their spouse for 5 years prior to application. Citizenship may also be granted to persons who have made a significant contribution to Slovakia’s economy, science, culture or sport. Citizenship acquired through grant can be revoked if it was obtained under false pretences.


 Applications for naturalization are processed by the County Administrative Authority or a Slovak consular office abroad and then assessed by the Ministry of Interior. After approval, the oath of citizenship must be taken within six months. Rejected applicants must wait at least two years to re-apply.

What's Next?

You can book a Discovery Call with one of our Slovak citizenship specialists to explore your eligibility for this additional pathway to EU citizenship. We offer extensive support for people who wish to reclaim their Slovak citizenship through this pathway, including translations, form filling, connections with approved Slovak diaspora organizations and liaising with the Slovak authorities. It may also be worth checking if you qualify for Slovak citizenship through descent. Feel free to reach out for more information!


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