Other Pathways to Austrian Citizenship
Through Restitution
Did you know that if you have Austrian ancestry, you might be eligible for Austrian citizenship and an EU passport? This means you can live, work and study in any of the 27 EU member countries with no restrictions.
In recognition of Austria’s historical responsibility, in October 2019, the Austrian parliament passed citizenship legislation enabling descendants of Nazi victims to reclaim their citizenship through restitution, also called declaration. Former citizens of Austria and successor states of the Hapsburg monarchy with primary residence in Austria between 1933 and 1955 who were subject to persecution by Third Reich can now apply to have their citizenship reinstated.
The eligibility of Austrian citizenship through restitution extends to victims’ descendants if their direct ancestors held Austrian citizenship and fled Austria before May 1955. Descendants of stateless people who resided in Austria may also qualify as do adoptive children. To qualify, you must also have a clean criminal record. Since 2019, more than 40,000 people around the world have made a claim for Austrian citizenship through the simplified restitution procedure, with around 25,000 being successful to date.
What's Next?
One of the main challenges of applying for Austrian citizenship through restitution is finding proof of descent as well as evidence of persecution, residence and displacement. This is where Polaron comes in. We have over 20 years of experience in archival research and sourcing records of Holocaust Survivors and can proudly boast 100% success rate, streamlined processing and fast turn arounds.
We will assist you in preparing your application for submission to the Austrian government. We are happy to guide you throughout the process, save you precious time and guarantee the best chances for success. To start your journey towards dual citizenship and your own EU passport, book a Discovery Call with one of our EU citizenship specialists today. We can assist you with other pathways to Austrian citizenship, including through descent.