There have been many changes in Czech citizenship laws during certain periods, which have been constantly affecting Czech citizenship eligibility.
Here are some questions and answers which may give you a clearer idea of your eligibility for Czech citizenship:
What are some laws governing your Czech citizenship eligibility?
- The golden rule is that your family shouldn’t have left Czechoslovakia before 1918 to be eligible for Czech citizenship.
- There are two main ways to get Czech citizenship, either by birth or declaration.
- Dates from your family tree are essential when it comes to increasing your eligibility for getting Czech citizenship.
- The law in the Czech Republic demands that you need at least one parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent that is of Czech descent.
- If your family were born outside of Czechoslovakia between 1949-1969, you need to have both parents that are of Czech decent to be eligible.
How to know if you are eligible for Czech citizenship?
- You need to know when your family members were born, as certain birth dates can affect eligibility.
- You’ll need to know where your family came from, either the Czech side or the Slovak side, also affecting your eligibility.
- If your Czech ancestors are female, you’ll need to know if they were married, and whether or not the child was born in wedlock or out of wedlock.
- It’s important to know your family’s immigration history. If they naturalized in another country, and what country they immigrated to.
What is the difference between getting Czech citizenship through declaration and birth?
- To be eligible for Czech citizenship by birth you need an uninterrupted line of your most direct Czech ancestor to you.
- Declaration is having your parent or grandparent losing their Czech citizenship in the past, and then acquiring it through declaration.
Is there a naturalization pathway to Czech citizenship?
Naturalization is possible in the Czech Republic, however it does require residency of at least 10 years in the Czech Republic, proof of knowledge of the Czech language and history, as well as proof of income and criminal record. In some instances, length of residence and language proficiency may be relaxed.
What makes a case successful?
- Providing accurate information on your family tree.
- Providing a birth certificate from you and your Czech ancestors.
- Providing a marriage certificate of your Czech ancestors, and you if you’re married.
- Naturalization certificate (if your family have naturalized in another country).
- Any Czech documents e.g. passports.
It can be difficult to get Czech citizenship, as a result of the changes in citizenship law. However, if you’re unsure about your eligibility, please contact our friendly team of citizenship experts here: